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Frequently asked questions

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Coiners is a platform that enhances community engagement on Telegram and offers potential opportunities to earn tokens. By actively participating in chats.

Coiners is a blockchain-based platform that aims to revolutionize community engagement and monetization on Telegram. It addresses the problem of low activity, difficulty in monetizing audiences, and high advertising costs.

Coiners incentivizes community engagement by introducing a unique reward system. Chat owners can activate a prize fund that is distributed to active users in their chat, motivating participation and fostering lively conversations.

The reward pool in the Coiners ecosystem can be customized by the chat owner. They have the flexibility to choose the token in which the reward pool will be allocated.

Explore the various chats available within the Coiners ecosystem and actively participate in discussions. Contribute valuable insights, ask questions, invite friends, get positive reactions on messages and engage with other users.

Yes anyone can claim reward to his main wallet anytime.

The Coiners ecosystem offers flexibility, allowing users to choose their level of engagement. If you prefer not to actively participate in the system, you can still continue using the group as you did before. You can access the content, communicate with other members, and stay up-to-date with the discussions. While you may not earn rewards or tokens for your activity, you can still enjoy the community experience and the valuable information shared within the group.

Yes, you can be a member of the Coiners ecosystem without a crypto wallet. However, please note that without a crypto wallet, you will not be able to make transactions or claim rewards within the system. Having a crypto wallet is necessary to receive and store COI tokens, as well as to participate in various activities and earn rewards. While you can still engage with the community and access the group's content, having a crypto wallet allows you to fully participate in the ecosystem.

You are rewarded for inviting a friend if your friend is joining the chat for the first time and completes multiple transactions within the system. The rewards are designed to incentivize new user acquisition and engagement. If your invited friend is already a member of the chat or has previously joined, they may not be eligible for the invitation rewards. To earn rewards for invitations, ensure that your friend is new to the chat and actively participates in the system.

Yes, as a user, you have the opportunity to create your own chat within the Coiners platform and monetize it. By activating a prize fund and attracting active participants, you can generate revenue based on the engagement within your chat.

Currently, the Coiners service is primarily focused on the Telegram platform. However, we have plans to expand and integrate with other platforms like discord in the future to provide a more diverse and inclusive experience for our users.

Still have a question? Cant find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to your friendly team.

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